Whether you’re a runner or not, we are hosting one of the latest crazes on the Ultra running scene, which is known as a Backyard Ultra (BYU).
Yes, on Friday 21 June, at 10am, over 100 participants will take place in a race that doesn’t have an official time – it effectively goes until there is only 1 runner left, which means we could see these legends still running on Monday!
How it works: Every hour, on the hour, participants start together and are required to run a 6.71km yard around Lardner Park. You can do it in 30 minutes, you can take 59 minutes, as long as you are in the starting corral to start the next yard, then it’s all good.
Sounds like fun – until it isn’t! Haha
Not interested in running? Well that’s okay. This is a spectator friendly event and we encourage you to come out for a look, cheer on the runners (there are many locals having a crack, as well as some of Australia’s best) and even give us a helping hand on an aid station or similar.
Any questions – reach out to local runner and one of the Race Directors, Paul Pratt, on 0407268392 for more details.
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